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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bag Packing!

When I heard the opportunity to bag pack for the Irish Cancer Society, I jumped at it! The girls who organised it did a great job as what I saw when I was there was that it ran smoothly. I got the bus into Celbridge and then walked from the village to Tesco's. I was on the slot from 2-4. I had a great time doing it as many people were very nice and let us pack their bags. We also spent a half an hour selling raffle tickets and badges. We first sat down but we found that people didn't come over,so instead we stood up at the front of the entrance. And then we got lots of customers, and we sold lots of tickets. I liked this part of selling as it was fun and funny how people pretended not to hear you when they walked by. I felt really happy after helping out that day and it felt like I had done my good deed for the day. :) 

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