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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

English Class :)

In English this year we are creating a play. Our play is based on a road crash that has outstanding affects on the teenagers that were involed in it. The play shows just how peer pressure and under-age drinking can have huge affects on the lives of others. The play convies this by the death of one of the main characters, her one innocent death led to life changing results for the other people who were invoved.
Whilst this play is dealing with a very serious topic, we are having great fun acting it. Our class has been spilt into two, so our group practises in the meditation room. When we are reciting our lines we are constantly trying not to laugh, we try hold our toungues but it is challenging. I am playing the Father of the girl who died, my character has to come to terms with this and to accept that no was to blame. He also then changes and sees every day as a gift. We have great fun rehearsing but I know that as soon as we stand on the stage in January there will be no laughing.

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